Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Frank Ostach: Just an update on Frankie "O".

Well, to this day Frank Ostach has not paid me back. How do you live with yourself? I have called him many times and to no avail. At this point he doesn't even take my calls or respond to my messages. I really feel sorry for him and his family. To know that you are that low of a person must really bother you deep inside or not. Either way it will come back to you at some point. To know that your father, husband, uncle, grandfather or even friend is that low must be difficult. It has know been 2 1/2 years. My only solace is that someone will read this stuff before entering into a monetary agreement with this slimeball. So, thanks for reading and to all that know him or manage to not throw up by the sight of him, piss off.


Anonymous said...

Wish I had read this before. He just "scammed" me out of $210 for tickets. He said he was going to pay me but to no avail. Anyone else reading please call this douchebag at 267-231-6085. Send him my regards.

Unknown said...

if either of you want to set him up i can do that for you he calls me almost everyday trying to buy tickets off me and he has done it before and made me show him my drivers license and then had me wait in a parking lot while another guy showed up and frank literally argued with me for hours trying to get a cheaper price for the tickets and then his guy showed up and didnt want to pay his price and i found out he was making $150 on top for doing nothing and i had told him that i never sell my tickets for that cheap and i only was doing it because i had a bill to pay and when the guy said he couldnt do it for the price including franks $150 on top frank started freaking out saying i needed to get my tickets handed back and that he wouldnt do the deal for just $100 profit and not his $150 and i literally had to go to the guy and sell him for the a different price and frank started yelling at my girlfriend and freanking out and made me and my girlfriend super uncomfortable oh and the best part is after reading your guys posts at first frank said that he wanted me to give him my tickets and that he would go get the money and come back and i told him i would never trust someone with all my tickets and trust that the would come back with the money and he started yelling at me saying i was sketchy for not letting him do that buy he obviously was going to rob me but please contact me and i can help get you guys in the same place as this guy my name is jordan 9412285307

ps i have two other people that i sell tickets to and one of them has a restraining order on him because he called his house non stop for weeks and the other guy said that he has multiple people that have been robbed by him and warned me to never speak to him!!!! so please help me get you guys your money back and get this scumbag good

Lee said...

Just reading this for the first time. Jordan that's really eff'd up. If you get this you can e-mail me at

Anonymous said...

This guy just called me wanting to buy Sunfest tickets. I Googled his name just to see if there was such a person and this stuff comes back. Wow

Anonymous said...

He told me to buy tickets from him. I now see I should not.

Anonymous said...

I heard he is in jail...don't know the details though.

Anonymous said...

What did he do?

Anonymous said...

not true its bs from 2014 on good family guy i am his personal friend

Anonymous said...

This is all true. I recently found out from another man that he was arrested in Ventnor. He went to court and was ordered to make restitution. Never gonna get it. As far as the family friend, stick it brother. You're just making yourself look like an ass. I wrote the original blog and have gotten calls over the years from others he had screwed over. Hey I have an idea. Why don't you put money up for people. That way you can be sure of your words.

Anonymous said...

Frank OSTACH is at it again! He promised tickets and took $500.00. No tickets. Frank is a thief. Frank is a criminal.

Anonymous said...

Just emailed me looking for tickets I was selling. Googled the phone number and got this. Think I'll skip him. sounds like a scammer.

Lee said...

Haven't heard anything in a while and just checked this post. Wow. This guy is such a loser.

Anonymous said...

Wow...he just screwed me too. $600 but he just fucked with the wrong person.

Anonymous said...

he fuked me too guys a thief

Anonymous said...

He posted tickets for Daytona 500. Definitely will stay away now that I've read these comments on him. Thanks for posting about him

Anonymous said...

he had problems back 6 years ago i bought superbowl tickets from him he is good as gold u other?

Anonymous said...

He was supposed to meet me with tickets to a show last weekend, NEVER showed up. He still has my money.

Anonymous said...

He is a scammer. I have a guy in south Jersey that’s tracked him and the whereabouts of his daughters. Either way its not the cost but the lack of respect. I know about his yearly filings too. I have friends at IRS that will help claw back more. Not for me but he will pay triple at least. I can provide all his kids places of work and make their work places disrespect

Unknown said...

Hey there Guys! I am a Tour Manager for a Well Known Artist and I leave tickets and Meet greet passes for a guy that works for me in the Past and was told this Guys has tired to contact me and I have a email and has turned over to the FBI. So don't worry guys

Anonymous said...

Frank has mental illness, that is why they can't keep him in jail. World is full of people with problems, Lee you once knew the healthy Frank and you bought tickets from him with no issue. Time to move on! Frank is his own worst enemy, he is harmless unless he has your cash then he eats on your dime. Dude is virtually homeless.

Anonymous said...

Frank is a disgusting person who should be locked up for many years....he has scammed me out of tickets and lied about the price and never showed up with the tickets!!!! Please someone leave information here how i can add to a arrest report so the police can pick him up again! He is a FRAUD and DISGUSTING PIG....I CALLED EVERY HOTEL TO WARN THEM ABOUT HIM...

Anonymous said...

How long ago did he scam you? Honestly was this a while ago or recently?

Anonymous said...

Glad I read this......was thinking about buying tickets from him that he was offering on Craigslist. Googled him first and found this blog.

Anonymous said...

Frank strikes again. Fucked me on tickets and he got the money. Now it’s everyday a different excuse. He even lives in my building. What a guy! Headed to police to file a complaint. A lot of good that will do me from what I’ve read. I’m telling everyone in my building not to deal with him.

Lee said...

Can't believe he is still at it. What is it gonna take to stop the madness. Sadly, if someone finally does do something they will probably face the full extent of the law. What a backwards society.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Frank strike again. What it going to take to stop this scammer. He befriend you, to used you. Like fools, we thought he was our friends. He lords you in. Takes your money. Now he won't answer calls. BEWARE, do not deal with him. He should be lock up. How can we STOP this THIEF.

Anonymous said...

Frankie says relax...

Anonymous said...

This guy stated he had a tour company.

Anonymous said...

frank stole from me also 450 dollars 5 years ago.he is one of the worst people I have ever come in contact with.stay away from him.

Unknown said...

He just stole from me He will get his

Anonymous said...

the putz on 5/3 better say the truth

Anonymous said...

It was the Black man...

Anonymous said...

life goes on no one is perfect a lot more problems in this world stay healthy

Anonymous said...

individual is clear deleted page was don 7 years ag0

Anonymous said...

Stay away from this piece of shit.He will steal from anyone.Should be in jail.Very evil person.

Anonymous said...

happy new year evil far from it more good than bad you just don t know move on

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its crazy 2022 this guy is friendly and caring move on good health and kindness

Anonymous said...

Promised me show tickets , supposed to meet me day of show of course never did. He even kept my 150$ deposit. Best 150$ I ever lost ,I am done with him

Anonymous said...

Said he had great seats for Chicago concert
Doesn’t anwser phone now , he would have scammed me too probably, luckily I didn’t give him a deposit

Anonymous said...


Fred Flintstone said...

He is typical bullshitter. Every time his mouth moves he is probably lying. Should have been a politician atleast he could accomplish something

Anonymous said...

Not evil just a pos. Still needs to pay back all that he has taken

Anonymous said...

Well alright Mr Dahmer.

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe after all of these years how many people Frank has screwed over. I'm glad I helped some people by writing this sadly not all though.

Anonymous said...

its un so real people make stuff up no guts with names just anonymous get real

Anonymous said...

Always bragging about having great hook ups.
These hook ups were in his head and didn’t even exist

Anonymous said...

This is all shocking to hear because the Frank I knew and dealt with back in 01-04 not only hooked me up to to huge Eagles and Sixers games, but also gave me great seats. I’m sorry and not trying to defend the guy if he turned into unethical or illegal practices, but even though it’s been a very long time, he hooked me and my friends up with great prices and unreal seats to games I’ll never forget (good and bad). Like Sixers game 7 vs Bucks that sent them to the finals in 01 and were virtually impossible tickets for a guy (22 at the time) to get. Also the last game at the vet vs the Bucs in the 300 level nearly 50 yd line at price that seemed impossible. Yes, not a game I love to remember but still one I’ll never regret being able to attend. This is a shame and I feel terrible for the people who got screwed over but tbh, him as well. Again, don’t slaughter me for this post or assume I’m saying any scam he may have pulled is OK in any way. However, he’s definitely not always been that way and it’s really a shame that’s the road he landed on. Finally, you can say whatever you want about the guy, investigate him, have him arrested, call him names, call me names, etc. but those saying they had his daughters tracked down and made comments about knowing where they work and suggesting they’d “get him back” that way are 1000X worse people and MUCH bigger POS that belong in jail than any one on earth who may have scammed you for a few hundred bucks for some tickets. Rant over and if I seriously need to explain my last comment, I sincerely don’t feel bad for whatever happened with some tickets.

Anonymous said...

Before you give Frank any money
Deduct 50.00 and buy a pair of sneakers
They will come in handy when you have to chase him down .

Anonymous said...

Frank used to come to Ventnor fishing pier and brag I have first row tickets for this and center court tickets for that , as dumb as people were in there they never fell for his scams

Anonymous said...

frank always was fair and delivered the best tickets

Anonymous said...

Frank is type of guy to offer you shirt off his back. He would probably charge you double what he paid though.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just read all of these comments and I was the original post writer here. Sadly he did some good but so do the people who run Ponzi schemes. I have not thought about Frank for years and don't really intend to start thinking about him now. His karma train will deal with him when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

if your original post writer take it down i know and realize all this but he did more good for you than bad move on

Lee said...

To the person who said he did more good than bad, I am interested to know why you assume this or do you know something I am unaware of. Frank has been scamming people for too many years to count. He could have chosen to stop or do something else, but he chose this life. My duty as a human being is to perhaps warn others of this man and his business dealings. When Frank decides to come clean and turn over a new leaf I will reconsider. Or maybe you would like to step up and pay off his old debts and pledge your responsibility to any new ones that might arise.

Anonymous said...

Hide your money , Hide your dough , Frankie is going to beat you out of money for tickets to the show.

Anonymous said...

do people realize whats important just move on

Anonymous said...

A lot of shows coming the next 2 weeks in Atlantic City. Be very careful dealing with non honest people. You will probably get stung.

Anonymous said...

better things to do really?

Anonymous said...

Went to the country concert last week in AC.
Best part of show was not seeing or dealing with Frank. I went thru reputable person and had no issues. A lot better than dealing with a
Bullshit artist.

Anonymous said...

Saw his big belly on the boardwalk last week
Lucky he didn’t see me. Would have probably tried to scam me

Lee said...

I read through these responses and am glad for deciding to post this many years ago. It's not about the money anymore. Its just about trying to save someone the trouble. And as for the ones who say it's not right or that he was good at certain points along the way, F-off. If you like him so much start a fund and repay his debts. Otherwise go crawl back into your hole. PEACE and LOVE.

Anonymous said...

i moved to california peace &love move on lee more important things in life go look in the mirror

Lee said...

Long Beach

Anonymous said...

I heard Frank has tickets for Sebastian this weekend. Good luck trying to get in if you are depending on him.

Anonymous said...

Atleast he can’t scam anybody for Eagles Super Bowl tickets. Thank you Eagles

Lee said...

Yeah but now he is in Cali, so he can work the Vegas game all day.

Anonymous said...

call him in cali good luck get a life u know who

Anonymous said...

Summer time very close. Be very careful with who you deal with for tickets. Sometimes promises aren’t truthful.