Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A fond farewell to DHS

For 8 1/2 years I worked for the Department of Human Services of Philadelphia, but more importantly I had the opportunity to work with children and families who really needed help. I have to say that the time I spent there was not without it's positives. I received many commendations from colleagues, judges and families. I never grew tired of the endless times people told me how I went above and beyond for simply just taking a few minutes to do my job. The truth is, I enjoyed the job and all that came with it. It was tough and trying but it always left me feeling like I had accomplished something.
Some of my coolest memories include, staying near Loretta Lynn's ranch in Tennessee, taking a flight with the governor to Pittsburgh, but most of all it was seeing a child look at me and realize that I cared. I learned a lot about the world at DHS. It can be dark and lonely for many people. I also got to see the strength of children, who without a doubt possess the energy to rise above almost anything. Certainly, there was a lot of troubling things about the SYSTEM that I was able to see, but the fact is that the world out there is very troubled. Negativity is a cancer that breeds very quickly. It's hold on the masses is very odd to me as I have always approached life in a very positive manner. Obviously, I can not print specifics about the people I worked with or the cases I worked on, but what I can say is that there is still much good in the world, however the consensus is overwhelming that people revel in the misfortunes of others. Well, it is time to move on and that is what I intend to do. I will now be working for the Health Department at the Philadelphia Prison System.

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